IOUG Forum - Collaborate 2015 (April 12-16)

This will be my 12th IOUG Forum next week! I have attended IOUG Forum since 2003, which is prior to 2006 when it morphed into Collaborate with IOUG, OAUG and Quest joining hands. So why do I attend Collaborate every year and look forward to it even after a decade?

The IOUG Forum at Collaborate is the meeting ground for all Oracle users and Technologists. It is one of the best Professional Networking event for Oracle Practitioners. Real world customers are vocal about that worked and what did not (and how they overcame it), in an environment what is free from Oracle Marketing pitches. However, a limited number of invited Oracle Product Manager's and Executives, help to have a healthy dialog and look at the product roadmaps.

Apart from educational sessions, Panel discussions, exhibit hall, there is plenty to network with peers and of course have a bit of fun (in the limited free time) at Vegas. There will be several SIG (Special Interest Meetings) that will provide you means to keep learning and networking year long from your work desk. Check out the IOUG Communities here  Most SIG's will have a SIG meeting at Collaborate, just check the details here

This week is your last chance to be part of Collaborate - IOUG Forum 2015, check out the details here for registration.


Shyam said…
Here is some more coverage of Collaborate 2015, via Tech Target:

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