Oracle Data Scientist at BIWA Summit 2013, Outcome
We would like to thank everyone who participated in the Oracle Data Certificate Program at BIWA Summit Jan 9-10, 2013. Fourteen attendees registered to participate in this BIWA Certificate Program. Thirteen took the final Quiz and the below is the outcome...
Instructor Level Certificate - Brendan Tierney
Oracle Data Scientist Certificate
Don Ferguson, CherryRoad Technologies
Jorge Anicama, IBM (GBS)
Tim Vlamis, Vlamis Software Solutions
Vijayalakshmi Muthukrishnan, Motorola
Sicheng Liu, Deloitte Consulting
Avik Bhattacharya, Printpack Inc.
Ari Kaplan, Ariball
Paul Mitchell, Oracle
Honorary Oracle Data Scientist Certificate
Mark Hornick, Oracle
Shyam Varan Nath, IBM
(the above helped with the organization of the Oracle Data Scientist
Curriculum and the Quiz)
Associate Level
Suresh Anand, Sashatech LLC
Participation Certificate
Ahmed Kopap
Ekine Akuiyibo
Khader Mohiuddin
We congratulate everyone for their effort. Thanks to Mark Hornick and Brendan for help with this process. Stay tuned for related offerings from BIWA SIG. Join the Linkedin Group for Oracle Data Scientist here.
Shyam Varan Nath
Instructor Level Certificate - Brendan Tierney
Oracle Data Scientist Certificate
Don Ferguson, CherryRoad Technologies
Jorge Anicama, IBM (GBS)
Tim Vlamis, Vlamis Software Solutions
Vijayalakshmi Muthukrishnan, Motorola
Sicheng Liu, Deloitte Consulting
Avik Bhattacharya, Printpack Inc.
Ari Kaplan, Ariball
Paul Mitchell, Oracle
Honorary Oracle Data Scientist Certificate
Mark Hornick, Oracle
Shyam Varan Nath, IBM
(the above helped with the organization of the Oracle Data Scientist
Curriculum and the Quiz)
Associate Level
Suresh Anand, Sashatech LLC
Participation Certificate
Ahmed Kopap
Ekine Akuiyibo
Khader Mohiuddin
We congratulate everyone for their effort. Thanks to Mark Hornick and Brendan for help with this process. Stay tuned for related offerings from BIWA SIG. Join the Linkedin Group for Oracle Data Scientist here.
Shyam Varan Nath
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